Sunday 6 October 2013

Brush your teeth in just 6 seconds!!!

If you had a choice between spending 2 minutes or 6 seconds brushing your teeth, you would probably go with the faster method. The Blizzident custom 3D-printed toothbrush is a bizarre-looking toothbrush alternative that promises a 6-second scrub of your pearly whites.
The Blizzident custom 3D printed toothbrush looks a little strange but promises to clean your teeth in just 6 seconds. So what would you choose, 3 minutes or 6 seconds?
It is actually custom-made and involves you having a 3D scan or impression of your teeth. If your dentist takes an impression, then it needs to be scanned into a 3D file. This is then sent to Blizzident, which 3D prints your own unique toothbrush.
You place the 3D printed toothbrush into your mouth and make biting and chewing motions. Lots of soft bristles are angled so as to thoroughly clean teeth and gums. The way the bristles are angled and the fact that it is a perfect fit for your mouth, mean it is able to clean properly but more efficiently.
The downside to this is cost. Whereas you can pick up a normal toothbrush very cheaply, the Blizzident’s more complex manufacturing process means it costs you $299. It is recommended that after one year you replace the custom toothbrush, which then costs another $159. Plus don’t forget you need to pay for that 3D scan. Rather alot of money for keeping your teeth white, especially when the same result can be achieved with a cheaper alternative.
Blizzident has promised to share clinical studies on the efficiency of the product, which will certainly be interesting. But as for me, I’ll be using to my good old fashioned toothbrush, for 3 minutes twice a day of course!

Time is near to replace Mouse by IMotion 3D Controller. !

Singapore based company, Intellect Motion started to design the iMotion 3D controller a few years ago with the hope of utilizing the controller to help in the field of sports rehabilitation. Sometime last year, the company started making moves to bring the controller to the Gaming world and have now announced the launch of a crowd funding campaign on Kickstarter. The small controller will allow people to replace their mouse and simply wave their arms to move the controller/character on screen.
The iMotion 3D controller straps to the hand and uses a combination of LED sensors, accelerometers and gyroscopes to track the movements of a player’s body and use the player’s hand as the controller. The team at Engadget had a little practice with the controller and found that after a little getting used to, the controller worked quite well with Angry Birds and a shoot ‘em up game.
One of the highlights about the controller is the fact that it can be used with any app or game without any special equipment other than the controller itself and the iMotion software that will come with it. Intellect Motion plan to release an SDK with the controller to enable developers of games and apps to tweak their products for a better user experience with the iMotion controller and game, making certain actions more precise for example.

Rhino Shield - Smartphones screen protector available now!!!

Move Over Gorilla, Rhino Shield Is Here To Save The Mobile Screen

Gorilla glass is used for smart devices in order to help users keep their beloved device safe from scratches and cracks. Only there are people all over the world who are having to order a new screen for their iPhone after they dropped it, so we can safely assume that the Gorilla glass is not infallible. Now though, Evolutive Labs, a company born from Cambridge University, have successfully funded and developed the Rhino Shield screen protector, which according to the team at EL, will leave the Gorilla well and truly in the mist.

Impressive Functionality
The rhino Shield is supposedly able to withstand 5 times the impact that Gorilla 2 glass can. Some people even call the shield hammer proof. The designers haven’t simply taken the brawn into account though, the Rhino shield is extremely clever in the way it actively improves user experience.
Users of Rhino Shield can enjoy:
  • Smooth touchscreen functionality – No stickiness that hinders the function of the touchscreen. Fingers will glide across the screen ultra-thin 0.29 mm cover as if it isn’t there at all.
  • Impressively hard exterior – The hardness of the cover is H3 which will protect screens against keys, coins, nails pens and plenty of other pesky objects.
  • Smudge free screen – Not only does the Rhino shield protect against impact and scratches, the custom formulated polymer actually repels different oils which means no finger prints or smudges.
Backed By Thousands
The Rhino Shield project was taken to Kickstarter in order for developers to get the financial backing they needed to make the shield a reality. The concept was so popular that during the 30 day campaign, 3674 backers managed to surpass the £50,000 goal and raise £73,716 in total.
Move Over Gorilla, Rhino Shield Is Here To Save The Mobile Screen
Available Now
Since the end of the crowd funding campaign in April, developers have worked hard to bring the Rhino Shield to the public and now users can finally experience what may be the ultimate form of screen protection for smart devices.

Shields can be bought from $29 – $40 depending on the type of device. Exact sizes will be supplied as the name of the particular model is required while ordering.

Source: (

Wednesday 2 October 2013

15 latest facts about Facebook...!

1. Woman, on average update their Facebook status 21 times per-month while men average 6  times per-month. 
2. Every 20 minutes, there are almost 2 million status updates.
3. Facebook Mobile is the most downloaded app on all smartphones.
4. In the United States, 1 of every 5 page views is on Facebook.
5. 56% of Facebook users are women.
6. 95% of people in the United States have a Facebook.
7. There are over 250 million photos uploaded to Facebook every day.
8. Because of Facebook, there are 4 new billionaires!
9. Facebook is approximately valued at 80 billion dollars today. In 2009, it was valued at 4      billion dollars.
10. There are over 600 million average daily users on Facebook today.
11. Coca-Cola has more Facebook fans than other brands.
12. Every hour, there are about 30.6 million new comments on Facebook.
13. There are over 16 million Facebook fan pages.
14. Facebook earned $2.6 billion from ads in the United States in 2012.
15. Asia has the most Facebook users and makes up 33% of all of Facebook. That is about 1/3 of the entire social network.

Friday 20 September 2013

Indian and Turkish Dramas effects in Pakistan!!!.

Indian and Turkish Dramas presenting on Pakistani Media are effecting the social and domestic lives of society in country.
These are facts of only one city, Lahore, rest are same too!
Turkish Dramas started on Pakistani media last year but ye were very different from Pakistani culture, but our Electronic media did not cared about that and it seems that they are doing this for a specific agenda of any other country. So Pakistani media is always criticized for not showing that material which Pakistani nation want to watch, instead they are showing such material which is against our Culture, Religious and Views.
But there is no change in the behavior of Media...

Saturday 7 September 2013

History of A/C in Cars!!!

Early Attempts at Air Conditioning

  • Ice played a prominent role in several 19th-century cooling devices.
    The modern type of air conditioning system had its predecessors. In the 1830s in Florida, a hospital employed a system that blew air over a bucket of ice to lend cooling to some of its patients. When President Garfield was on his deathbed, a similar device was used to keep his room cool. A device invented by Willis Carrier called an "Apparatus for Treating Air" was built in 1902 and was the closest direct ancestor of the air conditioner.

The First True Air Conditioning Units

  • Building air conditioners began to arrive in 1902.
    In the same year that Carrier's apparatus for treating air was created, Alfred Wolff designed an air conditioning system to cool the New York Stock Exchange. Wolff's system employed refrigeration equipment already in use, but the Armour Building in Kansas City, Missouri, became the first office building to install an air conditioning shortly afterward. Unlike Wolff's system, there were individual temperature controls for different parts of the building.

Air Conditioning for the Masses

  • In 1904, many people got their first taste of air conditioning in the Missouri Building at the World's Fair in St. Louis. From there it was a gradual proliferation of air conditioning in office buildings, hospitals and other public places. In 1929, the first "room cooler," a small home air conditioning unit, was unveiled. It would be another 10 years before any type of air conditioning would be offered on a car.

The First Automobile Air Conditioner

  • The Packard automobile company debuted the first automobile air conditioning in 1939. It was rudimentary by modern standards. There was no control to adjust the temperature and the air was blown forward from the back of the car. Although this first attempt was awkward, by 1969 more than half the cars sold in the United States would have air conditioning.

Modern Automotive Air Conditioning

  • Many tractors are equipped with air conditioning today.
    According to a 2003 book by Susanna Robbins, at that time 98 to 99 percent of automobiles in the United States were equipped with air conditioning. It didn't just stop at cars, either. Trucks and even farm tractor cabs often have air conditioning built in. As a sign of the universal nature of car air conditioning, most vehicles are designed to be more aerodynamic with the windows up--with the most profound effect at higher speeds.


Tuesday 3 September 2013

Steve Jobs A Hero, but Mr. Dennis respected Zero.

Both of these men died in the same month of the same year.
Steve was largely considered a hero, while Dennis was largely ignored by the world. Only a handful of programmers who knows the real value of Dennis’ work even know of his death.

Without Steve Jobs, there is no iPhone,iPad, iPod or Macintosh. 
Without Dennis there is no C. without C, there is no Unix, Windows, or Linux. Without C there is no C++ nor Objective C.
There is no MacOS X, no iOS, no Photoshop, no FLStudio, no Firefox, no Safari, no Google Chrome, no Playstation, no Xbox. In fact, 90% of the applications in the world are written in C or C++ or Objective C.

If you think Dennis deserves our respect, please pass this along.