Tuesday 3 September 2013

Steve Jobs A Hero, but Mr. Dennis respected Zero.

Both of these men died in the same month of the same year.
Steve was largely considered a hero, while Dennis was largely ignored by the world. Only a handful of programmers who knows the real value of Dennis’ work even know of his death.

Without Steve Jobs, there is no iPhone,iPad, iPod or Macintosh. 
Without Dennis there is no C. without C, there is no Unix, Windows, or Linux. Without C there is no C++ nor Objective C.
There is no MacOS X, no iOS, no Photoshop, no FLStudio, no Firefox, no Safari, no Google Chrome, no Playstation, no Xbox. In fact, 90% of the applications in the world are written in C or C++ or Objective C.

If you think Dennis deserves our respect, please pass this along.

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